Texas Baptist National Day of Prayer CallThursday, May 7, 2020 | 12:00 p.m.Link to register: https://texasbaptists.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkcOusrjopE9Ff1fy-IrTDpL5JdcVnr6fqProgram participants include:
- Dr. David Hardage, Texas Baptist Executive Director
- Mickey Lenamon, Executive Director of TBM
- Tamiko Jones, Executive Director-Treasurer of WMU of Texas
- Dr. Donna Burney, Texas Baptist Executive Board Chair
- Dr. Michael Evans, Texas Baptist President
While weddings have changed a lot over the decades, one thing has stayed true–Summers are a great time to get married (unless it’s an outside ceremony in Texas).
Congratulations to Randy and Nancy Sprinkle on their 50th Wedding Anniversary this month. Randy was the visionary and founder of a partnership, between Texas and New England Baptists, for training and placing interim pastors in New England.
The Sprinkles are now retired and in Colorado, to be close to some of their family (think GRANDKIDS!). They are greatly missed. Nevertheless, their legacy of faith and faithfulness is celebrated–as is this wonderful event. God’s continued blessings on the Sprinkles!

Another of our interim pastor couples, Dean and Karr La Dickens, also just celebrated the big FIVE-O. Together, they have previously served in missionary, academic, and pastoral settings. They still travel to the Philippines, to lead conferences, one of which is named for Dean. The Dickens make a great interim ministry team, too, like at South Garland Baptist Church, where they just finished up. Our heartfelt congratulations to Dean and Karr La Dickens, with our prayers for God’s continued blessings!
As I reflect on these two wonderful couples, I’m deeply impressed by what they represent regarding our interim pastors. Yes, we have interim pastors who haven’t reached retirement age. However, many of our interim pastors are retirees. They come with a strong calling from God, with energy and passion for the local church, and with extra wisdom that comes from seasons of ministry experience. I’m blessed, every day, to rub elbows with these gifted servants of God.

Linn says, “Ask me about my new great-grandbaby!”
In our circles of Texas Baptist interim pastors, most of us have known Linn Self as an interim pastor par excellence for his “temporary shepherding” of eleven churches. Of course, he had a vital ministry before this, which included serving four churches as their installed pastor. Then, he followed a new calling into theological education. Linn served as the president of the South Texas School of Christian Studies for almost a decade. The school, recently renamed Stark College and Seminary, honored Linn with an annual lecture named in his honor. Now, they honor him again with his serving as this year’s commencement speaker on May 13, 2019. During the graduation services, Linn will receive his own well-deserved honorary doctorate. Congratulations to Dr. B. Linn Self. The BGCT’s Interim Ministry Network is blessed to call him one of our own!

At First Baptist Church, Llano, James calls Don Graham forward, then church member to lay hands on Don. James led the church in a commissioning prayer for Don’s African missions trip with the Gideons.
Dr. James McGlothlin celebrates his 50th year in ministry on Sunday, May 5, 2019. His wife, Pat, joined him the year after his ordination, for half a century of service together for the Lord. James has pastored 14 Baptist churches (1-youth pastor, 6-senior pastor, 8-interim pastor). He currently leads the Intentional Interim Ministry process at First Baptist Church, Llano, Texas. James was the 2011 recipient of the Maples, Williamson, Daehnert Award as the outstanding interim pastor for the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
Congratulations, James and Pat!
2nd Timothy 1:5 (approximately A.D. 60)
I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. [NIV]
1st Baptist, Temple, Texas (A.D. 2/10/19)

Three generations join in the baptism of John Mark McNeal. Grandfather Skip McNeal had the privilege of baptizing yet another in his family. Assisting is John Mark’s father, Mike, who is Skip’s son. Behind the scenes is John Mark’s mother, Tresa, who took these pictures.
Skip might have been a little surprised to find that the church had no baptistry. Instead, a mobile horse trough was brought into the sanctuary for the ordinance. However, he probably wasn’t as surprised as John Mark was, upon finding the heating mechanism had failed and the water was REALLY COLD! But now, it’s a baptism he’ll always remember.
God bless John Mark, and our interim pastors (Skip) who continue to make a difference at home and at church.
Romans 6:4. “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death,” . . . John Mark’s shirt completes the verse!
Amen and PTL.
Wow! Did I “make it”? Am I famous? Am I influential? I only need about $1,000 to pay for the “full publicity package” they want to sell me. Can you help?
Or, maybe you’d be willing to help with something that has real meaning and purpose and longevity! That can found in the Interim Ministry Endowment fund. Gifts from churches and individuals to this fund are invested and protected as donor-designated contributions (tax deductible, too). They support the future efforts of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in providing resources for pastorless churches and the Intentional Interim Ministry Network composed of our interim pastors. These interim pastors are experienced ministers, with special training and a specific call to interim ministry. Whether they ever get public acclaim, or not, our interim pastors are real heroes. They are doing true Kingdom work as traditional and intentional interim pastors.
So far, we have used eligible earnings to help with continued education events, this web site, and other promotional pieces. Your gift will make a positive impact towards helping our churches when they are in the most vulnerable of times.
Just click on the white DONATE button in the top center of this website to get started. And thank you, for your support.
Karl Fickling, Ph.D., Coordinator of Interim Church Services for Texas Baptists
Ellis Hayden has served as youth minister, chaplain, and pastor (1/2 dozen churches!). He’s recently started as the interim pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church in Longview, Texas.

Ellis Hayden “warms up” the congregation at Fellowship Baptist Church in Longview, Texas, before the Sunday morning service.
The church is considering whether they will transition into the Intentional Interim Ministry process, but whatever the decision, FBC will be in good hands with Rev. Hayden and his wife, Jackie, there to serve for the interim period.
This warm fellowship of believers is located at 1818 Spring Hill Road, on the northern edge of Longview, Texas.

My name is Julie Galindo, and I am super excited to serve as the Lead Ministry Assistant for the Connections Team. I look forward to getting to know each of you.
My family moved around quite a bit when I was younger, but I mostly grew up in the Plano area. We were always attending new churches due to our moves. I was saved at the age of 8 during an Awanas sleepover while we lived in Kansas.
My husband, Luciano, and I have been married for 22 years. We are the proud parents of our two sons, Davian (19) and Jaden (14).
I have been a member of The Crossing Baptist Church in Mesquite since 2007. During this time I have been involved in many different areas of ministry, including serving on the Administration Team, but mostly working with children. I have taught Sunday School to different ages, been a VBS leader, and worked in the nursery. I love teaching children about Jesus! This past March I went on my first mission trip with my church to the Rio Grande Valley as the VBS leader, and I cannot wait to go back! I absolutely love the diversity of my church! It truly is a multicultural church with people from Cameroon, Guatemala, Nigeria, Kenya, Eritrea, and Mexico.
I love spending time with my family. Our favorite thing to do together is watch movies.
*Fun fact: My nickname is Jaws (or Jawbone) because growing up I was a biter (hey I had two older sisters and had to defend myself!)